Capitalist Clowns

Capitalist Clowns

A collaboration between three $$mall Town Clowns, getting royally pegged by working back to back. Chasing a purge of bullshit, everyone needs a clown in every corner to liven things up - take the piss at least once in a while so we can maybe have a breather? Take us back to the 2000's when capitalism still had its bright and shiny gleam.

Feeling xxxtra capitalist? Shop the posters.

Disclaimer: this shoot wasn't sponsored by Dominos we just got hungry. Photos taken April 1, 2023 at LANTANA Space.



Photographer: Warwick Gow @warwickgowphoto

Creative Direction: Brianna Fryer @brianna_fryer

Creative Direction: Elise Nielsen @ellh0tel

Stylist: Brianna Fryer @brianna_fryer

HMUA: Elise Nielsen @ellh0tel

Model: Elise Nielsen @ellh0tel

Model: Brianna Fryer @brianna_fryer

Model: Warwick Gow @warwickgowphoto

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